Internship Opportunities at British Embassy in Rome – Press and Public Affairs (PPA) for L-12, L-18, L-36, LM-37, LM-52, LM-77, LM-94 students

L-12 | L-18 | L-36 | LM-37 | LM-52 | LM-77 | LM-94
Data di pubblicazione:
5 Agosto 2024
Data di scadenza:
15 Settembre 2024

The Press and Public Affairs (PPA) team at the British Embassy in Rome is seeking
an intern for a period of six months starting in November 2024 (please note that
the start date may be delayed should security checks take longer than expected). The selected candidate will be equipped with a work laptop, but on occasion may be asked to work from a personal device. The candidate will mainly work from the office, near Porta Pia in Rome, with some remote work.

The team designs and delivers communications for the whole of the Italy Network (the
Embassy and all its British partner-organisations) across the full range of policy areas:
from foreign policy to justice and home affairs, defence, economy, culture, migration,
consular etc. We do this by liaising directly with media, drafting and placing articles
and interviews and following up with social media engagement and creation of content.
We also support all sections around the Embassy with developing and running their
public diplomacy campaigns and events, both in person and online.

Main duties / responsabilities

  • Contribute to a written summary in English of news stories, comments and interviews from Italian media outlets;
  • contribute to draft press releases and briefings;
  • draft media wrap-ups and media coverage evaluations;
  • take part and assist in the organisation of a wide range of embassy activities
    and events;
  • maintain and update the PPA contact database;
  • social media monitoring and analysis;
  • assist in the reception function;
  • occasional translations EN>IT.

Desirable experience

  • Knowledge of Adobe suite programmes;
  • knowledge of Microsoft Teams;
  • experience in social media analysis.

Terms and conditions

The ‘tirocinio curriculare’ is intended for undergraduate students only as part of their education/studies. The candidate will have to go through a selection process by way of an interview, both written and oral.

The intern will be granted a number of credits (crediti formativi), as indicated by the
university. The internship is not a work contract and as such is not paid. However, the
Embassy will pay the intern a monthly allowance of €350 per month. This amount is
not subject to tax under current local legislation. The intern would be expected to work
an average of 30 hours per week, Monday to Friday, within the range of 08:00am –

The successful candidate will work an average of 30 hours per week, Monday
to Friday, between 8am – 5pm (timings will be agreed with the candidate). Some
degree of flexibility is expected on both sides, the intern and the team, in case of
evening events, university exams or personal reasons.
Other administrative details are set out in the university ‘progetto formativo’ to be
signed once appointed to the internship.

Please note that, in accordance with Italian law, the successful candidate will have to
finish the 6-month internship before the graduation day.

Applications (a motivational letter of a max of 800 words + CV in English) will have
to come through the university by 15 September.

Applications should be sent to with object British Embassy PPA Section“.

Please note that applications will have to come through the university or
promoting body abiding by the Italian law: DM 142/98. Individual applications
shall not be considered. Interested students can liaise with the “Ufficio Stages”
of their Faculty or University which should send us the application(s). Individual
applications not coming through an eligible institution will not be acknowledged
or considered for an internship.

Confirmation of the internship is subject to security clearance and reference check
with the university.

Ufficio placement e tirocini 
Daniela Cecchini 
Tel: 06.510.777.407
