University and school

In the strategic area of ​​intervention of Third Mission/Social Impact, the University acts alongside schools in the regional territory. In order to promote the socio-cultural development of the territory, the University intends to strengthen its interaction with the social fabric, through initiatives and activities, meetings and debates of cultural and scientific dissemination carried out jointly with the educational institutions.

In particular, UNINT has planned paths for the dissemination in schools of sustainability, not only environmental, but also cultural and social, of active citizenship, of the opportunities and implications of digital culture, from the protection of privacy to the prevention of bullying and cyberbullying and derived phenomena.  

Innovate, learn, educate

The University offers secondary schools in Rome and Lazio meetings or series of meetings on topics related to the growth of civic responsibility linked to digital citizenship.

Through interdisciplinary study and discussion on issues of significant social and educational impact such as those relating to the right to privacy, the protection of personal data and the fight against the phenomenon of cyberbullying, we intend to promote forms of social and emotional learning (Social and Emotional Learning), based on the skills indicated by UNESCO/MGIEP (Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development). By innovating digital pedagogies and promoting social-emotional skills (SEL - awareness; empathy; kindness; critical inquiry) the conscious participation of students in their own emotional development is strengthened as an essential action for achieving adequate results in disciplinary and/or academic learning . However, it is now known that, to address current global problems and challenges, it is necessary for young people to have knowledge obtained based also on the social impact that will derive from it, thus aiming to achieve quality education for building peaceful and sustainable societies (Goals 4 and 7 of the UN Agenda 2030).

The representatives of the interested schools can send an email to:


April 5, 2023 – UNINT
Profiling, digital identity and reputation
In collaboration with the “Giulio Cesare” state classical high school in Rome.
With the patronage of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.
