
The universally recognized definition of the concept of sustainable development, which dates back to 1987 and was initially based on the principles of intergenerational and intragenerational equity, has progressively broadened, extending from the environmental to the social dimension. Sustainability implies development that is not only economically efficient, but which is at the same time socially fair and attentive to environmental resources. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, acronym for Sustainable Development Goals) were introduced by the UN in 2015, as part of the2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There are 17 macro areas of intervention, interconnected, which approximately 200 countries have decided to sign, considering the urgent and unavoidable issues to be addressed with the coordination of their respective policies. The commitment is to raise public awareness, promote and jointly implement, between private individuals and institutions, sustainable lifestyles, production and consumption, for lasting development, with protection of the ecosystem and the renewal of environmental resources and careful to ensure that conditions of well-being are distributed equally among all.

Projects and initiatives
