Research committee
The University Research Commission (CRA) is made up as follows:
- Mariagrazia Russo, Chairperson;
- Valentina Carfora, UNINT lecturer and Department representative;
- Fabio Bisogni, Chairperson of the Board of Directors and Research Delegate;
- Alessandro Frolli, Research Director;
- Marco Scollo Lavizzari, Rector's Delegate for Research.
The University Research Commission is responsible for the annual and multi-annual planning of the University's research activities, in line with the indications of the Board of Directors and manages the funds allocated annually to the University scientific research fund (FRSA) during the budget. preventive.
The University Research Commission is made up of the Rector, who chairs it, a professor representing the Department, the Rector's Delegate for research and a delegated member of the Board of Directors.
The University Research Commission meets periodically and decides by majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the President's vote prevails. The activity of the University Research Commission is governed by a specific Regulation.
Duties of the university search committee
The CRA manages and coordinates the University's research activities on an annual basis for financial aspects.
In particular:
- proposes to the Board of Directors the distribution of the Fund and any changes thereto, as well as the evaluation criteria for requests for contributions (art. 14);
- develops the University's annual research plan (PRA) on the basis of the annual allocation to the FRSA and its distribution approved by the Board of Directors. The PRA is drawn up every year and is published on the official website of the university after approval by the Board of Directors;
- identifies any common lines of research based on each teacher's preliminary sheets in anticipation of a broader planning;
- ascertains the regularity of the request procedures for access to the FRSA and decides on the attribution of contributions;
- monitors the extent and progress of the research activity by collecting the preliminary and final reports of each professor and researcher at the university;
- activates ex post verification procedures of the results obtained in the research activities in relation to the expected objectives;
- draws up an annual report on the University's research activity;
- proposes changes to the regulations for University research activities;
- verifies compliance with the regulation;
- promotes and organizes moments of valorisation and dissemination of the results of research activities, including individual ones.
Resolution of the university research committee
The CRA normally meets once a month and whenever the Rector deems it necessary. The minutes of the CRA meetings are public and can be consulted at the Rector's Office. The CRA annually publishes the calendar of scheduled ordinary meetings. Following the investigation of the financing requests and at the end of the evaluation procedures, the CRA decides on the allocation of contributions taking into account the PRA and its distribution. Requests for funding for research services (mission expenses for participation in conferences, costs for publications or proof-reading/translation, other) and for the organization of scientific events must be addressed no less than five days in advance of the calendar of the scheduled ordinary meetings, to the Rector in his capacity as President of the CRA at the address of the research office:, using the forms at the bottom.
The CRA's resolutions are communicated to interested parties in written form and contain a summary evaluation of the request as well as the approved budget. The CRA may link approval to a request for partial remodulation of the proposal or integration of the documentation or information provided. The approved funding requests are in any case linked to the objectives and expected results declared by the proposer. Unapproved financing requests may be resubmitted by the proposer after a remodulation that takes into account the CRA's observations and the reasons for the denial of the financing.
In cases of urgency, the Rector can use access to the research fund up to a maximum amount established by the Board of Directors, after consulting the representative of the Board of Directors within the CRA and any other member. The authorizations thus granted must be ratified at the first subsequent meeting.
As regards research projects, the University promotes and supports, with a dedicated budget, project proposals in line with the research themes defined by the faculties and approved by the Senate and the University Board of Directors and explained in article 2 of the call for research projects. Starting from 2019, the CRA annually prepares a selective procedure aimed at groups composed of a coordinator and components internal or external to UNINT, in order to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and the internationalization of research.
Participation in the annual call for research projects takes place by completing the form below.
Assessment procedure
The CRA proposes to the Board of Directors, based on the progress of the research activity as well as possible scenario considerations, the evaluation criteria for the grant requests. The evaluation criteria are indicated in the PRA approved by the Board of Directors. In the case of multi-year research projects, the state of progress will be assessed on the basis of the annual reports of the project managers on the contents of the research and the expenses incurred compared to the budget assigned to the project.
Operation of the university research committee
The Board of Directors' Research Delegate acts as a liaison between the Board of Directors and the CRA. In carrying out his duties he coordinates with the director of research, the rector's delegate for research and with the Rector.
The Rector's delegate, assisted by the research office, collects the research proposals from eligible subjects and prepares the agenda of the meetings, to be submitted to the Rector for approval. He also verifies that the proposals received are adequately motivated and documented.
The director of research has the function of supervising and coordinating the monitoring and management activities of research in the university and of managing relations with the outside world. Within the CRA, it has the function of connecting the proposals and requests that come from outside, in particular in relations with the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI) and the MIUR, and the University. In his activities he coordinates with the Rector, with the CDA's research delegate and with the administrative staff of the research office.
Meetings calendar
- November 13, 2024 | 12:00
- December 11, 2024 | 12:00
- January 14, 2025 | 12:00
- February 12, 2025 | 12:00
- March 12, 2025 | 12:00
- April 9, 2025 | 12:00
- May 14, 2025 | 12:00
- June 11, 2025 | 12:00
- July 9, 2025 | 12:00
- September 10, 2025 | 12:00
Annual research plan (PRA)
- Annual Research Plan 2023 (ARP) approved in the CRA on 26/04/2023 and by the Academic Senate on 26/04/2023
- Annual Research Plan 2022 (ARP) approved by the CRA on February 16th, 02
- Annual Research Plan 2021 (ARP) approved by the CRA on February 10th, 02
- Annual Research Plan 2020 (ARP) approved by the CRA on February 29th, 09
- Annual Research Plan 2019 (ARP) approved by the CRA on February 04th, 04
- 2018 Annual Research Plan (ARP)
- 2017 Annual Research Plan (ARP)
University Scientific Research Fund (FRSA)
- Decree no. 2053 - Guidelines for the distribution of the University Scientific Research Fund
- Application form - Contribution from the University Scientific Research Fund (FRSA) - Band A
- Request form - Contribution from the University Scientific Research Fund (FRSA) personnel - Band B and C
- Request form - Contribution from the University Scientific Research Fund (FRSA) personnel - Band D