Terminology research group

The evolution and diffusion of automatic translation tools have radically changed the world and the language industry, in particular the fields of translation and interpreting, both in their professional and academic dimensions. Everything suggests, especially if we consider the rapid progress made by artificial intelligence, that these tools will continue to improve and establish themselves in a growing number of specialist sectors.

Despite this trend, the relevance and relevance of terminological and terminographic reflection have not ceased. In fact, research and terminology management continue to constitute an extremely delicate moment in the translation process, as well as in the preliminary study phase for the interpreting service. An accurate verification of terminological equivalences, which also takes into account any sociolinguistic and linguistic-textual implications, is also a fundamental part of the post-editing activity, given that terms linked to highly specialized domains can cause difficulties even for the most sophisticated systems translation systems based on neural networks.

The birth of UNINTerm, the terminology research group established in 2023 within the Corpora Linguistics Research Center (CLC), is set against this background. Given the close link between terminology/terminography and corpus linguistics, the Group's activities fully fall within the scope of investigation of the CLC, which also includes among its thematic areas terminology and phraseology extracted with methodologies corpus-based corpus-driven.

UNINTerm's activities will make use of individual contributions and research projects promoted in the terminological and terminographic fields by the University. Among these, the creation in 2015 of GEROM, an online database that allows the consultation of lexicographic resources, bilingual (Italian-German) terminological glossaries and text corpora created for the compilation of individual glossaries.

The Group's activities aim to extend the field of research to the languages ​​included in the educational offer of UNINT degree courses and to make use of interdisciplinary contributions from different scientific areas, internal or external to the University.

  • Provide those who deal with terminology within the University with opportunities for exchange and continuous training;
  • improve teaching practices applied to terminology/terminography, encouraging interactions between courses in which these disciplines play an important role;
  • support the research activities carried out by its members, promoting scientific dialogue within the University and the creation of new synergies at a national and international level;
  • consolidate the connection between teaching and research, leading the teaching and student bodies to jointly create terminological glossaries;
  • achieve integration between theory and practice, ensuring that the theoretical knowledge acquired finds direct application in terminological activity, broken down according to the specialist sector and linguistic combination;
  • establish new contacts, and consolidate existing ones, with the national and regional institutions present in the area and in particular with the offices that deal with collection and management of terminology;
  • plan and supervise the implementation of curricular internships, reserved for students of the LM94 course, which involve work on collection and management of terminology. Possible, in this sense, interactions with the institutions present in the city of Rome.
  • Creation of UNINTerm Seminars, meetings with scholars of terminology and terminology, operating in Italy and abroad, and with representatives of terminology associations relevant to the languages ​​included in the training offer;
  • updating and maintenance of the database GEROM, fed by terminological glossaries created by undergraduates and graduate students;
  • design of a database that accommodates terminological glossaries created in different linguistic combinations.

Fabio Proia  

Claudio Fantinuoli  

Claudia Foti  

Fiorenza Mileto  

Claudio Russello  


All the events of the Research Group
