
Real, working group on virtual and augmented reality.

The group's objectives include the identification of methods and the development of tools through which to enrich and improve people's training without ever losing sight of its centrality.

The focus of the work is, among others, the application of virtual and augmented reality to the world of education to further anticipate the contact between university students and the professional world, activating laboratories that, integrating lessons that are already markedly practical, allow students to train for the professions for which they have chosen to undertake university studies before even approaching the world of work.

The members of the working group are:

  • Marco Romano, UNINT Coordinator and teacher;
  • Fabio Bisogni, President of the UNINT Board of Directors;
  • Domenico Daniele Bloisi, Associate Professor UNINT;
  • Alessandro Frolli, Director of UNINT Research;
  • Claudio Russello, UNINT teacher.

The University has signed an agreement with Immerse, a platform that aims to cultivate human relationships on a global level, a pioneer in teaching and language learning through virtual reality, to jointly conduct research on the potential of virtual and augmented environments for teaching.
