PhD students and Doctors of Philosophy


Khairy Aboghali  
Project title: “The role of the cultural mediator as a language expert in: Intercultural Equalities for Social and Gender Inclusion on Migration”

Matteo Michele Catania 
Project title: “Dialectologie et langues régionales de France. Entre polyvalence, linguistic insécurité et légitimité”

Beatrice De Luca
Project title: “Indigenous people: traditions and human rights. Focus on Mexico and Brazil”

Elisa Maria Latella 
Project title: “The independence of information today: regaining the fourth estate”

Luca Mercuri 
Project title: “The Abraham Accords: from politics to society”

Vanessa Paoli 
Project title: “The invisible enemy: how language changes in criminal settings. Exploring linguistic and cultural nuances in the francophone Africa”

Raffaella Pastore 
Project title: “The Fashionable novel between England and Russia: an intercultural analysis from a Gender Perspective”

Alessandro Romoli 
Project title: “Buyer-seller relationship in a cross-cultural context: the role of technology in the interactions”

Sara Sabatini
Project title: “Fostering Gender Equality through Linguistic Education: a case study on Italian SL/FL teaching materials across Europe”

Marina Brancaccio 
Project title: “Green talk in the European Union: scientific and political discourse analysis”

Matteo Costola 
Project title: “Italian security. European security. The crime terror nexus in SubSaharan Africa: the case of Al Shabaab and Boko Haram”

Anna Rita de Bonis
Project title: “Accessibility and translation technologies. Technical and linguistic perspectives”

Nicholas Faina 
Project title: “The cultural and religious innovation of Italian Candomblé: socio-anthropological analysis of terreiros and saint communities in Italy”

Vanessa Iudicone 
Project title: “Repossessing the body and the land: a journey through Ecofeminism in the Antilles”

Serena Marrocco 
Project title: “School education in Italy in a multicultural context: analysis and perspectives for a real integration”

Gaia Natarelli 
Project title: “European defense response in the information dominance era”

Vanni Nicolì 
Project title: “Multicultural society governance”

Giulia Deiana 
Project title: “The risk factors of violent extremism in Italy: a multidisciplinary approach against Islamic radicalization”

Leul Girma Haylemariam 
Project title: “How female entrepreneurs innovative a successful business model, an emerging economies. The case of Ethiopia”

Alessandra Semeraro
Project title: “Cavazzi's manuscripts: an Italian of the Seventeenth Century in the African Multilingual World”

Ornella Giardini 
Project title: “Saudi vision 2030: Saudi Arabia's new geopolitical challenges in the interconnected world. The political intra-Sunni dynamics in a European perspective”

Claudiane Solange Ngwikem Manfo 
Project title: “Socio-cultural, linguistic, political and economic impacts of the great powers (France, Britain and China) presence in Africa: the case of Cameroon”

Giulia Segna 
Project title: “Intercultural competences in international cooperation for development: an extraordinary study”

Vincenzo Streppone 
Project title: “The perseption of COVID-19 vaccines across different countries: A cross-linguistic text-miming and critical discourse analysis of translated news articles and related FB comments”

Lara Bruno 
Project title: “Sociocultural impact of the Chinese presence in Senegal: intercultural dynamics and multilingual communication”

Gianluigi Cesta 
Project title: “Migration flows and intercultural dynamics in Europe: the case of the Islamic communities judicial regulation”

Guglielmo Maccario
Project title: “Privacy and smart speakers: a text-meaning based analysis of user perception”

Stephen Oduro 
Project title: “Country of origin image: a meta-analytic review and assessment of its effect on consumer brand evaluation”

Lucrezia Piscopo
Project title: “The meaning of luxury fashion and the importance of sustainability after COVID-19: the perspective of Italian and Chinese consumers”

Federica Politanò
Project title: “Quand tweeter, c'est menacer. The menace in the tweets of President Donald J. Trump and their circulation in the French press”
