At UNINT there is an active PhD in Global Studies & Innovation. The program is aimed at training highly qualified researchers and professionals, with a deep understanding of the current theoretical horizon surrounding innovation and social change, as well as a concrete knowledge of the intercultural and transnational contexts in which the aforementioned changes occur.

Description and objectives

The program is aimed at training highly qualified researchers and professionals, with a deep understanding of the current theoretical horizon surrounding innovation and social change, as well as a concrete knowledge of the intercultural and transnational contexts in which the aforementioned changes occur. The aim is to develop skills relating to society's evolution, with reference to people, organizations, institutions, languages, and psychological and educational processes.

The research activities are supervised by the PhD Board, which engages in dialogue with PhD students to enhance the interdisciplinary aspects in the context of studies on innovation and globalization. The program has a duration of three years, and the university admits 5 applicants, 4 of which with PNRR PhD scholarships, pursuant to Ministerial Decree No 630 of 2024.  

The admission procedures and selection criteria are defined in a specific call for applications, which is published once a year, usually between the months of June, August, and September. Admission to the PhD is also permitted to public administration employees who, if selected, can benefit from a period of leave for study purposes, for the entire duration of the program.

The 4 PNRR scholarships aim to develop the themes referred to in MISSION 4 “EDUCATION AND RESEARCH”, COMPONENT 2 “FROM RESEARCH TO BUSINESS”. Projects can focus on the evolution of the relationship between techno-scientific innovation and the social, psychological, political-cultural and legal context. PhD projects focus on the evolution of the relationship between society, the psychological, cultural, political context and law aspects, on the one hand, and techno-scientific innovation, on the other. The constant acceleration of technological advancement poses significant challenges, especially regarding the systematization of techno-scientific research products in today's social, psychological, cultural, political and legal context. This framework is important to raise awareness of the aforementioned aspects relating to the network. In particular, we will work to provide skills in the field of cultural dialogue, given the now constant presence of the so-called second generations of foreigners in our schools and thus promote, from within the schools, a perspective of dialogue and coexistence to be further developed in other contexts, upon completion of the school course to address the phenomenon of radicalization and cultural and social inclusion. Furthermore, the process of training the "citizen of tomorrow" is also assisted by educational work on the use of the Internet, a platform that today hides a considerable part of the problems of current society. The foundation of the scholarships remains the relationship between social, psychological, cultural, political and economic research and business.

Scientific approach and research themes

The PhD course, therefore, involves an interdisciplinary approach, which combines the study of the dynamics underlying societal changes from a social, psychological, cultural, political, and economic point of view, with particular attention to the impact of digital innovation. The PhD course also focuses on the study of the theories and practices of "transnational management", with a specific focus on the relations between Europe and the most relevant emerging geographical areas. These areas play a key role in European and global security, focusing specifically on digital spaces.

The program aims to attract master's graduates with a strong multi/interdisciplinary profile and significant knowledge of intercultural communication research paradigms. Candidates must be able to develop high-quality scientific activity, focused on the following areas:

  • Social and psychological sciences
  • Multiculturalism and languages
  • Law, international relations and geopolitics
  • International security
  • International and digital affairs
  • Global business, international economy and sustainability

Future job opportunities

At the end of the course, PhD students will be able to qualify for jobs in international companies and organizations, including public institutions, supranational organizations and multinational companies operating in Europe and/or in emerging countries. PhD students will also be able to access teaching and research positions in academia and higher education institutions.

Examples of job functions include:

  • Management of internal and external intercultural communication
  • Management of cross-border transactions and business relationships
  • Human resources and diversity management
  • Development of language strategies and strategic language solutions in communication units
  • Development of translation, language and communication strategies in translation companies
  • Interpreting and translation management
  • Country analysis and intercultural segmentation of foreign markets
  • Negotiation in intercultural contexts
  • Development of innovative linguistic and communication solutions for intercultural marketing in export and marketing companies
  • Development of language and intercultural communication programs
  • Teaching and research in universities or upper secondary education
  • Research in the field of learning processes and neuroscience
  • Management of innovative and digital projects
  • Geopolitical and security analyses
  • Consulting for public/private actors involved in global crisis scenarios
  • Planning and management of activities aimed at preventing and combating organized crime and ideologically or religiously motivated terrorism

Overview of educational and research activities

Each candidate selected for the PhD course is assigned a tutor from the Board of Professors and a co-tutor. The tutor and co-tutor are responsible for including the PhD student in the research activity and supporting him in the proposal and planning of the study plan. The tutor defines the specific research topics with the student and, subsequently, the thesis.

Study plan

First and second year PhD students propose a study plan to the Teaching Board - Individual Training Agreement – drawn up under the guidance of tutors, in which students include some courses relevant to their research project.

PhD candidates have access to:

  • Courses dedicated exclusively to the PhD: each study course of UNINT organizes and activates a 20-hour course for its own reference sectors;
  • Courses from the UNINT master's degree programs.

At the end of the courses, students will be required to take an eligibility test that will be marked as "eligible" in the case of a positive outcome or "not eliglible" in the case of a negative outcome. Depending on the type of teaching, the test can be written and/or oral, with the possible presentation of works or essays by the students.
First-year PhD students must accumulate a minimum of 15 ECTs to access the second year.
Second-year PhD students must accumulate a minimum of 15 ECTs to access the third year.
There are no individual courses for third-year PhD students because the activity focuses on writing the PhD thesis and teaching support activities.

Doctoral seminars

Doctoral seminars are seminars dedicated to PhD students and constitute the standard program for all PhD students. The seminars can be carried out both by teachers who are members of the faculty and by external teachers. Attendance of at least 60% of the hours is mandatory.

Substitute and/or supplementary activities

Subject to the tutor's authorization, PhD students can propose substitute activities concerning the preparation of the PhD thesis and the research and publications they are called upon to produce during their studies. This includes the participation of PhD students in mainly external scientific initiatives such as conferences and seminars held in other scientific and institutional institutions.

Administrative activities

PhD students can be involved in university administrative activities for a maximum of two afternoons a week.

Educational activities

Subject to the favorable opinion of the Board of Professors, starting from the second year of enrolment, PhD students may be granted the qualification of subject expert with reference to the scientific-disciplinary sectors included in the PhD training project. PhD students who are experts in the subject are involved in teaching support activities.

Scientific papers

Starting from the second year, PhD students must publish at least one paper per year in scientific journals which can be evaluated according to the ANVUR criteria.

Studying abroad

Starting in their second year, PhD students have the opportunity to study and research abroad at other universities and research institutions. For PhD scholarship holders, the scholarship amount is increased by XNUMX% for periods abroad of at least XNUMX continuous days. Periods abroad must be authorized by the Board of Professors, who will discuss the PhD student's proposal only after receiving the official letter of invitation from the hosting institution.

Scheduling of doctoral college meetings

Doctoral College February 2025

The doctoral board (cycles 37-38-39-40-41) is expected to be convened on Tuesday 11 February, 11:00.

Doctoral College March 2025

The doctoral board (cycles 37-38-39-40-41) is expected to be convened on Tuesday 18 March, 11:00.

Doctoral College June 2025

The doctoral board (cycles 38-39-40-41) is expected to be convened on Tuesday 3 June, 11:00.

Doctoral College September 2025

The doctoral board (cycles 38-39-40-41) is expected to be convened on Tuesday September 9, 11:00.

Doctoral College December 2025

The doctoral board (cycles 38-39-40-41) is expected to be convened on Tuesday December 16, 11: 00.

These meetings will be held in person.
It will be possible to participate online, upon presentation of justification.

Doctoral Seminar calendar

2024/2025 academic year

Board of Professors XL cycle


Ciro Sbailò – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |


Amedeo Argentiero – UKE – Kore University of ENNA |
Silvio Cardinali – University of Calabria |
Stefania Cerrito – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Fabio Cintioli – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Alessandro De Nisco – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Alessandro Frolli – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Angelo Iacovella – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Tiziana Lioi – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT | 
Giada Mainolfi – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Anna Carla Nazzaro – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Daniele Niedda – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Salvatore Patera – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Giuseppe Pisicchio – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Lucilla Pizzoli – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Marco Romano – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Mariagrazia Russo – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Ciro Sbailò – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT |
Sara Trucco – University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT | 


Please note that, as stated by the Official Journal No. 65 of 13 August 2024, 4th Special Series, applications for the “Global Studies & Innovation” PhD – XL cycle - must be submitted by 24 August 00 at midnight.

Previous editions
