29 February 2024
14:00 - 16:00
Auditorium, in person and online

School of Political Sciences – Soft Power today: Italian interests and the power of persuasion in the face of climate crises

The school of political sciences of the University of International Studies of Rome - UNINT now in its tenth edition, in collaboration with the Research Center GEODI, organizes the event entitled “Soft Power today: Italian interests and the power of persuasion in the face of climate crises” which will be held on February 29th from 14 pm in the main hall and live streaming on Everywhere .

The event is aimed at students enrolled in the School of Political Sciences.

Ciro Sbailò, director of the GEODI Research Center and UNINT teacher

Pino Pisicchio, director of the School of Political Sciences and UNINT teacher

It intervenes
Francesco Rutelli, president of Soft Power Club ESGR, srl benefit for sustainability
