An initiative to support the birth and development of entrepreneurial projects who know how to enhance the results of teaching and research through the formulation of innovative proposals with a high economic, social and sustainable development impact.
Who it's for?
Students or recent graduates of a three-year degree course, master's degree, first or second level university master's degree UNINT.
What it's for?
It provides support to those who intend to improve theirs spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship through accompaniment in the conception and development phases of entrepreneurial ideas with high economic and social value to contribute to the sustainable development of society.
The projects
Ready for jobs
To participate you must fill out the online form from 8 November to 15 December 2023.
The University of International Studies of Rome - UNINT develops and promotes, among other activities, accompaniment for the promotion of the "spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship" competence (EntreComp) through support for the creation and development of entrepreneurial ideas in multidisciplinary teams . The selected business ideas will be accompanied on an incubation and acceleration path to become innovative realities: start-up. These innovative entities will be able to enhance the results of the research in order to offer innovative solutions (services, products, etc.) that are able to respond to contemporary socio-economic, cultural and environmental needs and challenges.
The initiative, therefore, intends to select entrepreneurial ideas - proposed by entrepreneurial teams - which intend to enhance the results of research and the use of knowledge to contribute to social, cultural and economic development through the creation of business projects. UNINT therefore promotes the birth and development of entrepreneurial initiatives in various contexts, including:
- digital export;
- emerging markets;
- human security.
In particular, the business ideas that will be selected will be able to benefit from some accompaniment and support services (incubation and acceleration) in order to be able to develop the proposed entrepreneurial project while improving one's "sense of initiative and entrepreneurship" competence (EntreComp).
Among the services offered by UNINT are:
- access to the spaces and equipment of the University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT;
- participation in thematic networks and sharing and networking events at national and international levels;
- access to support, incubation and acceleration services for business start-ups through planned training activities mechanisms;
- assistance in finding partners and/or financiers in the business world.
Il proponent who will be able to nominate a business idea can be one student or recent graduate of the University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT.
Al entrepreneurial team Natural persons external to UNINT will also be able to take part.
Please read the Regulations regarding new academic spin-off and start-up entrepreneurship and the Announcement below.
The Entrepreneurship Commission will select the best ideas, which will be accompanied in an incubation training course for become a UNINT start-up.
For any further request for information you can write to the address unimpresa@unint.eu.