
In its over twenty years of existence, the University of International Studies of Rome - UNINT has provided knowledge and skills to professionals who, trained to effectively interpret the world from a linguistic, cultural, economic, geopolitical and security perspective, are able to play a decisive role in strategic points at a national and international level. 

The professional fields in which people who have chosen UNINT as the basis of their personal and professional growth operate are multiple, as the contexts which can be accessed are heterogeneous having chosen training courses that see interdisciplinarity and internationality as their distinctive features . 

The University believes that the relationship with the University is not to be considered concluded upon completion of the studies. In fact, alumni represent a precious resource who, by continuing to be part of the UNINT community, characterize it positively, allowing it to strengthen its prestige and equally benefit from the contribution that belonging to a university community can represent in consolidating its reputation.


The Alumnint association was created with the aim of promoting fertile interaction between alumni, students, teachers and researchers through participation in seminars, conferences, refresher initiatives and other meeting opportunities. 

That is, it responds to the desire to bring together those who have achieved or are about to achieve their professional ambitions, allowing them to express the skills acquired in the service of the community.
