Next generation Orientation

As part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), the Ministry of University and Research supports universities to activate orientation paths aimed at facilitating students in the school-university transition.

The Universities, aware that orientation represents a strategic driving force aimed not only at building a life project but also at promoting the containment of the phenomenon of school dropout and dropping out of studies, will carry out ad hoc training courses in the four-year period 2022-2026 available at secondary schools.

These courses intend to allow students of secondary schools to consciously establish their own life plan. During the single course, students are confronted with the dynamics relating to the school context by making a comparison with the university context, learning the latter's vocabulary, regulations and potential.

During the lessons, specific issues relating to professions are addressed together with the analysis of the skills acquired and to be acquired to achieve one's training objectives. The theme of choice is also discussed starting from the vocational elements of the individual within their own cultural and social context. 

At the end of the course, students are able to be aware of their own decision-making processes and plan the steps to be taken to achieve pre-established personal and professional objectives.  

Characteristics of orientation courses

  • Recipients: secondary school students
  • Duration: 15 hours
  • Student attendance obligation: 70%
  • End of activities for the 2024/2025 school year: 31 August 2025

Course delivery methods

Each course is made up of five three-hour lessons to be held at the schools with which an agreement has been stipulated, according to the standard University/AFAM-School Agreement Scheme envisaged by the directorial decree no. 1452 (2022).

The lesson calendar is prepared taking into account the needs of the school and UNINT.

Each lesson consists of two hours of a theoretical nature and one hour of a laboratory nature. The laboratory aspect translates into the administration of an orientation test and return of the results, role plays dedicated to knowledge of the professions and, finally, laboratory teaching activities aimed at gaining direct experience of the university world. In fact, the simulation of academic lessons.

How to participate

Representatives of secondary schools who intend to join the project can contact the UNINT guidance office at the following addresses:

Tel: (+ 39) 06.510.777.409

Training provided by the EU funded programme

  • Academic year 2022/2023 were formed 86 students;
  • academic year 2023/2024 were formed 262 students.