How to enrol


For the 2025/2026 academic year, it is possible to enrol by 16 October 2025 XNUMX. 

Contact us for support.
Tel: 06.510.777.413

Given the limited admission selection procedure, the Master's degree course in Psychology of Learning and Inclusion Processes (LM-51) has specific enrolment deadlines as explained in the relevant announcement.

For the academic year 2024/2025, exclusively for the Master's degree course in Languages for Innovative Teaching and Interculturality (LM-37), it is possible to enrol until 30 April 2025. Admission procedures and details on the study plan are available in the didactic regulations of the Course. For further information please contact the Course presidency secretariat:

For the academic year 2025/2026, exclusively for the Master's degree course in Languages for Innovative Teaching and Interculturality (LM-37), it is possible to enrol until April 30, 2026.

If the first instalment has not been paid by 16 October, it can be paid by 4 November 2025 by paying a late payment of €250.

Are you interested in enrolling in one of our Degree courses for the academic year 2025/2026 ?

UNINT guides you on the journey to become our student!

Be guided through the pre-enrolment phase:fill in the form and you will be guided by the Orientation office.

Bachelor's degree courses | Master's degree courses

Do you have an Italian qualification?

Do you hold a degree or other university qualification and wish to apply for recognition of university credits (ECTS)?

Here are the steps to enrol in the first year:

  1. Verify that you meet the requirements:
    Bachelor's degree courses:
    Languages ​​for Interpreting and Translation
    Green Management and Sustainability
    Political Science, International Security and Crime
    Master's degree courses:
    Languages ​​for Innovative Teaching and Interculturality
    Psychology of Learning and Inclusion Processes
    Investigation, Crime and International Security
    Economics and International Management
    Interpreting and Translation
    For the Master's degree course in Psychology of Learning and Inclusion Processes, there is a mandatory written test to verify knowledge. Successively, proceed with the verification of the requirements. 
    Find out more on the call for applications.
  2. once you have verified that you meet the requirements, register on and follow the procedure, choosing the Course you are interested in, filling in the enrolment application and downloading the MAV payment slip;
  3. Proceed with the payment via MAV of the first instalment of the enrolment fee;
  4. Deliver the following documents to the Student Secretariat:
    • enrolment application signed in full with a €16,00 revenue stamp;
    • No. 1 recent photograph (passport photo format);
    • Receipt of payment of the first instalment of the enrolment fee;
    • Receipt of payment of the regional tax.

Refer to the "Enrolment with career shortening" section.

Are you a foreigner or have a foreign qualification?

  1. Verify that you meet the requirements;
    Bachelor's degree courses:
    Languages ​​for Interpreting and Translation
    Green Management and Sustainability
    Political Science, International Security and Crime
    Master's degree courses:
    Languages ​​for Innovative Teaching and Interculturality
    Psychology of Learning and Inclusion Processes
    Investigation, Crime and International Security
    Economics and International Management
    Interpreting and Translation
    For the Master's degree course in Psychology of Learning and Inclusion Processes, there is a mandatory written test to verify knowledge. Successively, proceed with the verification of the requirements.
    Find out more on the call for applications.
  2. From April to July, non-EU foreign citizens must submit an application to their country's Diplomatic Authorities in Italy for pre-enrolment in the chosen Course (the procedures and the available places are established by the Ministry of University and Research - MUR). All citizens with a foreign qualification must apply to their country's Diplomatic Authorities in Italy for a declaration of value of their qualification;
  3. All foreign citizens who do not have an Italian language certification recognised by the MUR must take an Italian language test at the University;
  4. Once they have passed the test, they can enrol in the chosen Course by following the procedures valid for Italian students.

Enrolment with career shortening

Do you already holda degree or another university qualification? You should know that, in compliance with Ministerial Decree 270/2004, the University can recognise university credits (ECTS). In order to obtain credit recognition, you must make an explicit request at the time of your enrolment application. The relevant educational structure will decide on the matter and could also enrol you in a course year subsequent to the first. You cannot benefit from the career shortening if you have only obtained a Bachelor's degree and wish to enrol in the continuation Master's degree course.


Part-time students

Starting from the academic year 2017/2018 , UNINT offers students the opportunity to attend the courses on a  part-time basis. Those who, for work, family or personal reasons, believe that they are not able to proceed with their studies within the normal timeframe established by the current legislation for the relevant Course may, at the time of enrolment or matriculation, request to be enrolled, for the year in which they are enrolling, as part-time students.

Students enrolled or matriculated as part-time students have two years to acquire the expected credits in the year in which they request to be enrolled as part-time students. Upon submission of the request, the student agrees to acquire no more than 60 ECTS in two consecutive academic years.

It is specified that the annual university tuition fee applied to part-time students amounts to 50% of the standard fee for the relevant Course, no further reductions granted for any reason are applicable.

It will also be possible to enrol as part-time students through the platform

Those enrolled in years subsequent to the first may apply for part-time student status by completing and delivering the "part-time enrolment request" form to the secretariat.


Enrolling in years subsequent to the first

In order to enrol in years subsequent to the first, please see the amounts and download the MAV from your web area for the payment of the first instalment of the single contribution and the regional tax on the right to study.

Admission requirements, verification of initial preparation and OFAs (additional educational requirements)

For detailed information on admission requirements, on the verification of initial preparation and, for Bachelor's degree courses, on additional educational requirements (OFA), refer to the pages dedicated to each Course in the "Educational offer" section:

Bachelor's degree courses

Master's degree courses
