Teaching delivery modes

The teaching delivery of courses at UNINT is characterized by a strong technological approach. You can attend in-person and live-streaming lessons on the  Everywhere  platform or choose Distance Learning (distance learning), for autonomous management of learning time and space by the student. The University provides its students with Meta viewers to access virtual and augmented reality laboratories and train for the professions for which they have chosen to undertake university studies.

Live streaming

To attend live-streaming lessons, simply log in to the Everywhere platform with your credentials and access the course you are interested in. Once logged in, you can also view the user guide for the Everywhere platform and the Zoom application in the "tutorial" box.

Each course has its own virtual classroom, from which it will be possible to access the material (audio, video, presentations, etc.) uploaded by the course lecturer and participate in the live-streaming sessions. 

There are also advanced tools that allow interaction, such as a chat, forums, and interactive whiteboards. 

Distance learning

In order to facilitate student-workers, encourage distance learning students, personalize the approach to teaching, and guarantee a widespread, flexible, and accessible university system, part of the teaching is provided through Distance Learning (FAD) via the e-train platform. The courses are uploaded to the platform and students can examine them according to their availability, wherever and whenever they prefer. The availability of teachers, as well as the presence of tutors, facilitates Distance Learning.
