Master's degree course in Languages ​​for Innovative Teaching and Interculturality

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Class: LM-37 (Master's Degrees in Modern European and American Languages ​​and Literatures)
Academic year: 2025/2026
Duration: 2 years
Admission: Free admission upon verification of requirements
Modes: Mostly online

Course Director: Salvatore Patera, Associate Professor UNINT

Office hours: Thursday, 14:30pm - 16:30pm

Student representative: Teresa Simonelli
Alessio Alessandro Santamato Peroni

The Master's degree course in Languages ​​for Innovative Teaching and Interculturality (LM-37) aims to train professionals in the field of foreign languages ​​and literatures, professionals capable of expressing their skills in multiple directions: teaching either foreign languages ​​or Italian as a second language, translation and linguistic consultancy in the editorial and journalistic field, linguistic development in the tourism sector.

The study plan allows you to choose between three addresses focused on teaching – with the choice between teaching an EU language, of two languages and Italian for foreigners and an EU language -, on digital publishing and journalism and on . Regardless of the chosen major, the degree course is characterized by the possibility of studying 4 European languages ​​(chosen from English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and German) and 3 non-European languages ​​(Arabic, Chinese and Russian), together with the related literatures. In relation to the specific characteristics of the courses, characterizing courses are also planned related to linguistic and textual analysis, pedagogy and psychology, media and digital communication and the fundamentals of tourism promotion and management in an international context. Specific professionalizing laboratories are also planned for each major.

In all areas, teaching is provided in predominantly remote mode, with recorded lessons accessible at any time through the UNINT Everywhere platform, combined with interactive teaching activities such as live streaming lessons, wikis, blogs, forums, etc.

Access to the Master's Degree Course is free, with an interview to verify the non-selective access requirements. In consideration of the characteristics of the study plan and the type of outgoing profile, the course is aimed at students who have obtained a three-year degree in the fields of foreign languages ​​and cultures. Given the delivery method, the Degree Course is particularly suited to the needs of student-workers.

Outgoing profile and professional opportunities

The Master's Degree Course in Languages ​​for Innovative Teaching and Interculturality will be able to start path for entry into the school world as per current legislation and find employment in numerous contexts related to language teaching and the sectors of reference of the study paths.

More specifically, graduates in the Teaching field will be able to find employment in all contexts related to language teaching (public and private schools, language training centers, cultural institutes) and toteaching Italian language to foreigners.

Graduates in the Publishing and Digital Journalism major of the Master's Degree in Languages ​​for Innovative Teaching and Interculturality will also be able to find employment in companies operating in the field publishing (writing of texts in Italian and foreign languages) and journalism, particularly through digital media.

Graduates in the Tourism field will also be able to find employment in companies operating in the sectors of international tourism promotion, tourist services and hotel and extra-hotel accommodation.

Accreditations and Memberships

UNINT is a partner of leading international academic associations that promote the adoption of quality standards of excellence in educational and scientific activities.

In particular, for its recognized quality requirements in linguistic training, the Department of International Humanities and Social Sciences is among the four Italian members of the YOU ARE CHOSEN (Conférence Internationale Permanente d'Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes) and the Master's Degree in Interpreting and Translation (LM-94) is part of the network EMT (European Master's in Translation) promoted by the European Commission. Furthermore, UNINT is a member of the AACSB – Business education alliance and has started the accreditation procedure for its degree courses in the business sector.

Finally, in the context of activities related to quality assurance, since 2021 UNINT has been certified in accordance with the legislation UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 for "Teaching, training, research and third mission activities" certifying the correct definition and execution of the processes implemented within the University.


Teaching activities are mainly delivered remotely through the UNINT Everywhere platform. Recorded lessons are combined with interactive live streaming lessons.  

The study plan is characterized by a high level of flexibility and allows students to choose between the following addresses:

There are also two specific majors dedicated to:

Digital skills and laboratories

The professionalizing profile of the Course is completed by the presence of laboratories such as the Modern Technologies for Innovative Teaching Laboratory, the Editorial Legislation Laboratory, the Valorisation and Promotion of Made in Italy Laboratory, the Digital Advertising Laboratory and the Language for Business Laboratory.

Language training and certifications

Graduates of the Course will develop solid skills in teaching one or two languages ​​or in Italian for foreigners.

Furthermore, thanks to its University Language Centre (CLA), UNINT recognises the possibility for new students enrolled in 2025/2026 (undergraduate or graduate students in any of the degree courses offered by the University) to obtain a certification for your level of language proficiency.

Each student, during his/her career, at no additional cost, will be able to obtain an international certification of his/her choice among those proposed in agreement with the University: CAMBRIDGE, TOEFL iBT, DELE, CAPLE, TORFL, DELF/DALF.

Study Abroad Experiences and Internships

Given the strong international vocation of the University, UNINT's degree courses offer students the opportunity to spend a period abroad for study or internship purposes thanks to the network of over 100 international agreements stipulated with European and non-European universities. The University also has over 700 active agreements for internships and placements at public and private sector entities in Italy and abroad.

Path of excellence

The excellence path allows a limited number of particularly deserving students, selected on the basis of their academic results through a specific call issued annually by the University, to have free access to an additional training course compared to that envisaged in the study plan, the contents of which are defined in agreement with the student, who obtains, together with the degree qualification, aadditional certification which is recorded in the career certification.

Access requirements

Access to the Course is subject to the possession of a three-year degree or three-year university diploma, or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable, in fields related to foreign languages ​​and cultures: degrees in foreign languages ​​and literatures of the old system, degrees from classes 3 and 11 pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99, degrees from classes L-11 and L-12 pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/2004.

To access the course, the student must have achieved a level of linguistic proficiency in at least one language of study not lower than C1 as described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​in comprehension skills and not lower than B2 in written production skills and oral (for the Arabic, Chinese and Russian languages ​​a slightly lower level will be required, respectively B2 for written and oral comprehension and B1 for written and oral production). The level of linguistic competence can be certified through international certification or even by the university from which the three-year diploma was obtained, based on the exams taken. Lacking certification, students will have to take an interview to assess the adequacy of their linguistic preparation. 

There is a strengthening course reserved for students who wish to strengthen their oral skills in English.

For the academic year 2025/2026 the general interviews for transversal skills, which must be taken by students who have obtained a grade lower than 100/110 in the three-year degree exam or by students coming from three-year courses in degree classes other than L11 and L12, will be held at 13.00 hours and language interviews will be held at 14.30 hours on the following dates at a distance:

  • 22 April 2025
  • 14 May 2025
  • 12 June 2025
  • July 8 2025
  • September 10 2025
  • 9 October, 2025
  • 30 October, 2025

I Italian language interviews will be held, unless otherwise required, on the following dates at a distance:

  • July 10, 2025 | 12:00
  • September 11, 2025 | 12:00
  • October 9, 2025 | 12:00

Fees, scholarships and concessions

The University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT provides a system of fees by band that rewards scholastic and university merit as well as scholarships linked to talent and social and civil commitment for high school graduates, undergraduates and graduates. 

To find out about the fees, scholarships and benefits available.

Learn more 

Furthermore, students who intend to enroll can access, just like they would by enrolling in a state university, the Right to study announcement, through which DiSCo (Regional Body for the Right to Study and Knowledge) and the Lazio Region provide benefits and services to university students to guarantee the right to study in accordance with article 34 of the Italian Constitution, which establishes the principle of equality of educational opportunities.

By participating in the call it is possible to access scholarships and benefit from financial support to cover university expenses

The services offered also include accommodation places in student residences, and facilitated access to the canteen with meals at reduced costs. Contributions are also provided for international mobility, which support students during periods of study or internship abroad, thus promoting international educational experiences.

The notice is published every year on the website
For further information you can consult the following document and contact the relevant office whose contact details follow.

Contacts Right to study
Sonia Fronte
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to 00pm and from 13pm to 00pm
Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 to 13:00
Tel (+39) 06.510.777.296

Steering committee

Academic members:

  • Maria Serena Felici, TDa UNINT Researcher and Committee Representative
  • Salvatore Patera, President of the Master degree in Languages for Interculturality and Innovative Teaching (LM-37) UNINT
  • Alessandro De Nisco, Director of UNINT's Department of International Humanities and Social Sciences
    International UNINT

Technical-administrative members:

  • Daniela Cecchini, Placement and internship office

Social partner members:

  • Guendalina Carbonelli, Antenna of the Directorate General for Translation, European Commission – Representation in Italy
  • Rossana Cecchi, Hoepli editorial consultant
  • Maria Grazia Coletta, European Commission, Directorate General for Interpreting, Italian Interpreting Unit
  • Marzia dal Fabbro, Managing Director Sound Art 23
  • Barbara D'Annunzio, ADA Project Manager, PLIDA Teacher Training – Dante Alighieri Society
  • Tiziana Rocca, Organizer and expert in cinema and fashion events
  • Domenico Schiattone, Director of Central Functions - Ministry of Justice
  • Gabriella Sorrentino, Vice President Ant. Bellettieri & Co. Shipping Agency
  • Serena Angioli, Agenzia Italiana per la Gioventù
  • Simona Rotondi, Social Enterprise “Con i Bambini”
  • Antonino Di Liberto, Director General of the Ministry of Education
  • Christine Stringher, INVALSI representative

Alumni member:

  • Teresa Simonelli

Simultaneous enrolment in two degree programmes
