Student Representative: Teresa Simonelli
Alessio Alessandro Santamato Peroni
The Master's Degree in Languages for Innovative Teaching and Interculturality - Tourism Curriculum (LM-37) trains figures who combine strong language skills in one or two foreign languages with knowledge of the dynamics that characterise the tourism and hospitality sector at an international level.
The curriculum combines the study of literature and teaching literature of a European language (to be chosen among English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and German) and a second European or non-European language (Arabic, Chinese and Russian) with the acquisition of interdisciplinary knowledge related to the anthropology and sociology of tourism, hospitality management, tourism legislation and strategies for the promotion and valorisation of tourism in territories.
The training structure includes numerous laboratories and in-depth activities on the valorisation of Made in Italy, digital communication and languages applied to the economic field.
The lectures are delivered mostly in e-learning mode, with recorded lessons accessible at any time through the UNINT Everywhere platform, combined with interactive teaching activities such as live-stream lectures, wikis, blogs, forums.
Access to the Master's degree course is free, with a non-selective interview to verify the admission requirements. In consideration of the characteristics of the courses and the type of professional profile for which students are trained, the Course is aimed at students who have obtained a Bachelor's degree in the fields of foreign languages and cultures. Given the delivery mede, the Degree course is particularly suited to the needs of working students.
Professional profile and career opportunities
Graduates of the Master's Degree in Languages for Innovative Teaching and Interculturality - Tourism Curriculum will be able to find employment in sectors of international tourism promotion (particularly of Italian destinations), tourist services and hotel and non-hotel accommodation and strategies for the valorisation of territories.
At the end of the Course, students will have acquired:
- ability to read territorial dynamics from an interdisciplinary perspective (sociological, legal, economic, demo-ethno-anthropological);
- ability to design and implement services aimed at promoting, enhancing and managing international tourism;
- ability to promote the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of territories in a tourism perspective;
- ability to manage communication between people of different cultures;
- ability to manage the marketing of tourism-related goods and services.
Accreditation and Membership
UNINT is a partner of leading international academic associations that promote the adoption of quality standards of excellence in educational and scientific activities.
Due to its recognised quality requirements in language training, the Department of International Humanities and Social Sciences is among the four Italian members of CIUTI (Conférence Internationale Permanente d'Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes) and its Master's degree course in Interpreting and Translation (LM-94) is part of the EMT network EMT (European Master's in Translation) promoted by the European Commission. Moreover, UNINT is a member of AACSB – Business Education Alliance and has started the accreditation procedure for its degree courses in the area of economics and business.
Finally, in the field of quality assurance-related activities, since 2021 UNINT has been certified in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 for "Teaching, training, research and third mission activities", attesting to the correct definition and execution of the processes implemented within the University.
*Source: XXVI Survey (2024) AlmaLaurea – Profile of graduates
*Source: ANVUR quantitative indicators updated as of 06/07/2024
*Source: XXVI Survey (2024) AlmaLaurea – Employment status of graduates interviewed 1 year after graduation
*Source: XXVI Survey (2024) AlmaLaurea – Employment status of graduates interviewed 3 years after graduation
The educational pathway of the Master's Degree in Languages for Innovative Teaching and Interculturality - Tourism Curriculum is structured in such a way as to provide, over the two years of study, solid knowledge of:
- literatureandteaching literaturein European linguistic contexts, with specific insights into the first EU language and a second language chosen by the student;
- linguistics applied to communicationand to modern languages teaching, with a focuson textual and pragmatic linguistics;
- the economic foundations of tourism managementand destination management;
- the social and anthropological dynamics that influence tourist behaviour and thus the strategies for enhancing territories;
- the main national and international regulationsgoverning the promotion and provision of tourism services;
- thedigital communication strategiesand the peculiarities of the promotion of Italian tourist attractions and destinations.
Digital skills and laboratories
The professional profile of the curriculum is enhanced by the presence of in-depth thematic laboratories focused international tourism communication: the Laboratory on the enhancement and promotion of Made in Italy , the Laboratory on Digital advertising (with lecturers from Google Italy) and the Laboratory on language for business (to be chosen among Chinese, French, English, Russian and Spanish).
Language training and certifications
Graduates of the Course will develop solid skills in teaching one or two languages or in Italian for foreigners.
To find out the entry and exit levels of each language course in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), visit the following link.
The University Language Centre grants new students enrolled for the academic year 2025/2026 (Bachelor’s or Master's degree courses in any of the degree courses offered by the University) the possibility of taking, at no extra cost, an international certification examination choosing among the certifications offered in agreement with the University: CAMBRIDGE, CAPLE, DELE, DELF/DALF, TOEFL iBT and TORFL.
academic year 2025/2026
This page contains information about programmes for students who intend to start their academic career in autumn 2025. The information is up to date at the date of publication, although some changes may be necessary.
1st year
Language and linguistics (first EU language)
The course aims to enhance students' linguistic competence, examining nuances, lexical mechanisms and translation strategies of the first language chosen by the student. Furthermore, it promotes critical thinking on language, encouraging linguistic research and the use of online resources.
Teaching modern languages
The course aims to provide the foundations of teaching modern languages and methods for analysing teaching texts and manuals, focusing on critical thinking on the relationship between languages, interlanguage analysis and the development of skills to choose suitable teaching approaches and activities.
Textual and pragmatic linguistics
The course offers foundations in textual and pragmatic linguistics, focusing on linguistic-textual and pragmalinguistic analysis, on the reflection of the linguistic context, knowledge of functionalist textuality and the ability to apply discursive strategies in written and oral communication.
Italian linguistics
The course focuses on Italian linguistic and prescriptive rules, the objectives of which include advanced writing, text correction, the application of teaching methods and the critical development of linguistic skills to draft and correct professional and educational texts in Italian.
Sociology of tourism
The course offers critical thinking through the analysis of the historical forms of tourism and delves into concepts, theories and communication providing analytical and theoretical tools. Students will acquire knowledge to understand the tourism phenomenon with a holistic approach, integrating history, economics and politics.
Tourism law
The course focuses on a specific branch of law that analyses the rules and regulations governing the tourism industry, essential for those who work in the tourism sector, with particular attention to the laws in force in the country in which it operates.
Hospitality and Tourism Management (taught in English)
The course explores hospitality and tourism administration and organisation. This industry encompasses a wide range of businesses, including hotels, restaurants, event planning, transportation, and other services catering to tourists and travelers.
2nd year
Literature and teaching literature (first EU language)
The course aims to train students on literature and literature teaching of an EU language (the first language chosen by the student), deepening literary analysis and teaching strategies, promoting cultural understanding and enhancing language teaching.
Language and linguistics (second language) or
Literature and teaching literature (second language)
Literature and teaching literature (second language)
Language and linguistics (second language)
The course aims to enhance students' linguistic competence, examining nuances, lexical mechanisms and translation strategies of the second language chosen by the student. Furthermore, it promotes critical thinking on language, encouraging linguistic research and the use of online resources.
Literature and teaching literature (second language)
The course aims to train students on literature and literature teaching of an EU language (the second language chosen by the student), deepening literary analysis and teaching strategies, promoting cultural understanding and enhancing language teaching.
Anthropology of tourism
The course explores the cultural factors of tourism, analysing interactions between visitors and host communities and aims to develop students' anthropological skills to understand the social, cultural and economic dimensions of the tourism phenomenon, with a focus on the ethnographic approach.
Geography and tourism development of the area
The course aims to help students develop skills to promote the attractiveness of destinations, exploring valorisation strategies, management of cultural and natural resources, promoting the sustainable development of local tourism.
Free-choice ECTS
Student's free-choice courses
Other activities
Internship or
Laboratory on the enhancement and promotion of Made in Italy or
Laboratory on Digital advertising or
Laboratory on Language for business (to be chosen among: Chinese, French, English, Russian and Spanish)
Laboratory on the enhancement and promotion of Made in Italy or
Laboratory on Digital advertising or
Laboratory on Language for business (to be chosen among: Chinese, French, English, Russian and Spanish)
Laboratory on the enhancement and promotion of Made in Italy
The laboratory offers complete cultural training on businesses in the food, wine, hospitality and fashion sectors, exploring the link with Italian art and culture and deepens communication to enhance these products in connection with cultural and environmental excellences of the country.
Laboratory on Digital advertising
The laboratory develops key skills in the field of digital advertising, analysing online campaigns exploring specific strategies and tools. The objective is to train professionals capable of designing and managing effective advertising strategies in the contemporary digital context.
Laboratory on Language for business (English)
The course focuses on speaking fluent English, expanding corporate vocabulary and improving listening skills, with the focus being on applying knowledge to confident communication in general and specific business situations.
Laboratory on Language for business (Chinese)
The laboratory aims to provide practical and cultural skills to operate successfully in the Chinese business context. The objectives include understanding commercial factors, negotiation practices and adaptation to the Chinese cultural context.
Laboratory on Language for business (Russian)
The course aims to provide linguistic and socio-cultural understanding tools for communicating in the Russian economic world and in international relations. The objectives include understanding commercial dynamics, negotiation practices and adaptation to the Russian cultural context.
Laboratory on Language for business (French)
The course focuses on developing linguistic and cultural skills to excel in the French business environment. Furthermore, it is intended to provide students with linguistic proficiency and an understanding of commercial factors and business practices.
Laboratory on Language for business (Spanish)
the course focuses on developing linguistic and cultural skills to excel in the Spanish-speaking business environment. Furthermore, it is intended to provide students with linguistic proficiency and an understanding of Spanish business factors and business practices.
Final test
Study Abroad Experiences and Internships
Given the strong international vocation of the University, UNINT's degree courses offer students the opportunity to spend a period abroad for study or internship purposes thanks to the network of over 100 international agreements stipulated with European and non-European universities. Moreover, the University has over 700 active agreements for internships in public and private sector organisations in Italy and abroad.
Pathway of Excellence
The Pathway of Excellence enables a limited number of particularly deserving students, selected on the basis of their study results through a special call for applications issued annually by the University, to have free access to a training pathway that is supplementary to the one provided for in the curriculum, the contents of which are defined in agreement with the student, who obtains, together with the degree, an additional certificate that is recorded in the academic career certification.
Admission requirements and assessment of starting skills
Access to the Course is subject to the possession of a three-year degree or three-year university diploma, or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable, in fields related to foreign languages and cultures: degrees in foreign languages and literatures of the old system, degrees from classes 3 and 11 pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99, degrees from classes L-11 and L-12 pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/2004.
To access the course, the student must have achieved a level of linguistic proficiency in at least one language of study not lower than C1 as described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in comprehension skills and not lower than B2 in written production skills and oral (for the Arabic, Chinese and Russian languages a slightly lower level will be required, respectively B2 for written and oral comprehension and B1 for written and oral production). The level of linguistic competence can be certified through international certification or even by the university from which the three-year diploma was obtained, based on the exams taken. Lacking certification, students will have to take an interview to assess the adequacy of their linguistic preparation.
Students who wish to strengthen their oral skills in English can also attend a consolidation course.
For the academic year 2025/2026 the general interviews for transversal skills, which must be taken by students who have obtained a Bachelor's degree grade lower than 100/110 or by students coming from Bachelor's degree classes other than L11 and L12, will be held at 13.00:XNUMX pm and the language interviews will be held at 14.30:XNUMX pm on the following dates remotely:
- April 22, 2025
- May 14, 2025
- June 12, 2025
- July 8, 2025
- September 10, 2025
- October 9, 2025
- October 30, 2025
The Italian language interviewswill be held, unless otherwise required, on the following dates remotely :
- July 10, 2025 | 12:00 pm
- September 11, 2025 | 12:00 pm
- October 9, 2025 | 12:00 pm
To enrol in the Degree course, it will be necessary to verify that you meet the requirements.
Tuition fee, scholarships and financial aids
Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma - UNINT provides for a banded tuition fee system that rewards scholastic and university merit as well as scholarships linked to talent and social and civil commitment for high school graduates, students about to graduate and graduates.
To find out about the tuition fees, scholarships and financial aids.
Furthermore, students who intend to enrol can, as would be the case by enrolling at a State University, access the Right to Study Call for Applications, through which DiSCo (regional body for the right to education and knowledge) and Regione Lazio provide benefits and services to university students to guarantee the right to study in accordance with Article 34 of the Italian Constitution, which enshrines the principle of equal educational opportunities.
By participating in the call for applications, it is possible to access scholarships and receive financial support to cover university costs.
The services offered also include accommodation in student residences, and subsidised access to the canteen with meals at reduced costs. International mobility grants are also provided to support students during periods of study or internship abroad, thus facilitating international educational experiences.
The call for application is published every year on the website
For further information, please consult the document and contact the relevant office whose contact details are given below.
Contacts Right to study
Sonia Fronte
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Tel (+39) 06.510.777.296
Steering Committee
Academic members:
- Maria Serena Felici, UNINT fixed-term type A Researcher and Committee Representative
- Salvatore Patera, President of UNINT Master' degree course in Languages for Interculturality and Innovative Teaching (LM-37)
- Alessandro De Nisco, Director of UNINT Department of International Humanities and Social Sciences
International UNINT
Technical-administrative members:
- Daniela Cecchini, Placement and Traineeship Office
Social partner representative members:
- Guendalina Carbonelli, Antenna of the Directorate-General for Translation, European Commission – Representation in Italy
- Rossana Cecchi, Hoepli Consulting Editor
- Maria Grazia Coletta, European Commission, Directorate-General for Interpration, Italian Interpretation Unit
- Marzia dal Fabbro, Managing Director Sound Art 23
- Barbara D'Annunzio, ADA Project Manager, PLIDA Teacher Training – Società Dante Alighieri
- Tiziana Rocca, Film and fashion event organiser and expert
- Domenico Schiattone, Head of Central Functions - Ministry of Justice
- Gabriella Sorrentino, Vice President Ant. Bellettieri & Co. Shipping Agency
- Serena Angioli, Agenzia Italiana per la Gioventù
- Simona Rotondi, Social Enterprise “Con i Bambini”
- Antonino Di Liberto, Director General of the Ministry of Education
- Christine Stringher, INVALSI Representative
Alumni members:
- Teresa Simonelli