Help desk

(approved in the Academic Senate of 05/11/2019, minutes no. 133 and in the Board of Directors of 06/11/2019, minutes no. 106)

The university represents a privileged place of cultural, social and psychological growth for its students. In addition to the transfer of mere knowledge, in fact, the university world must encourage the development of abstractive, creative and problem solving skills useful for the overall social development of the person and the acquisition of real work skills. It therefore becomes relevant to UNINT and its DRC Research Center support the development of identity and subjectivity through active and constant listening to the individual in order to make the course of study and the construction of the social personality of the students easier. Specifically, dialogue and sharing represent tools that promote the well-being of students and can prevent youth discomfort. One counselling service it can therefore act in various areas:

  • learning: the help desk will act with a view to preventing and dealing with learning difficulties, demotivation and loss of expectations, problems in planning objectives;
  • relational: the desk will support in difficult situations in relationships with teachers and with the peer group;
  • staff: the help desk will be able to provide advice and ideas in case of individual emotional, family and social difficulties;
  • professional identity: the desk will provide support in building one's working personality by improving individual skills and supporting in the choice of specific post-graduate training courses.


The main objective of the desk is to offer counseling to young people to support them during their growth journey. It therefore represents an opportunity to listen to prevent emotional and relational problems of students. Specifically, the actions of the desk will be addressed in the following fields of action:

  • offer a welcoming and listening place to express oneself;
  • promote correct planning of personal educational objectives, providing guidance on effective study methods;
  • promote dialogue between teachers and students;
  • identify relational and behavioral difficulties, and any problematic situations;
  • promote the psycho-social well-being of the university community.


The desk, coordinated by Alessandro Frolli, is managed and organized in a space identified by the University in which the following can be organised:

  • individual interviews with the children upon specific request (these conversations will not have a therapeutic value but will represent a moment of discussion and listening);
  • individual and group interviews with teachers, a space dedicated to comparing and sharing effective educational and teaching strategies;
  • Information meetings on socially relevant issues (such as social media, bullying, cyberbullying, deviant behaviors, specific learning disabilities);
  • questionnaires and interviews (anonymous) to detect specific disorders and evaluate the general state of well-being.

Hours and contacts

The desk is open on Tuesdays from 14 pm to 30 pm and on Thursdays from 16 am to 30 pm at the following addresses: e-mail: | Tel (+39) 06.510.777.209.
