The National Forum on Autism has been established at the University of International Studies of Rome - UNINT

The Minister for Disabilities Alessandra Locatelli, the Honorable Gianpiero Zinzi, the child neuropsychiatrist Alessandro Frolli and representatives of 60 organizations for people with autism met today at the University of International Studies of Rome - UNINT. An opportunity to analyze the critical issues of the network of services dedicated to autism spectrum disorders and to respond at the same time to the needs for comparison, verification and coordination between the world of associations, education and families and that of institutions.

Minister Locatelli starts precisely from the role of the institutions and their relationship with the social fabric. “It is necessary to act on multiple levels: national, regional, local and of the individual citizen. Because if we don't change our perspective and see an investment in leaving no one behind, then we can't make the leap forward we need."

Further demonstrating the centrality of a fruitful exchange between associations, healthcare, education and institutions is the speech of the Honorable Gianpiero Zinzi, who has always been close to the issue of autism.

“The institutions must collect the requests of the families, committing themselves to guarantee therapeutic continuity for people with autism spectrum disorders. They must equally guarantee educational continuity, in order to accompany children and young people towards their future, enhancing their talents. I believe that sharing, networking and teamwork can make the difference."

Fabio Bisogni, vice-president of the University of International Studies of Rome - UNINT, the University promoting the establishment of the Forum, speaks specifically about the team.

“Today is an important day because we team up through dialogue, with the establishment of a Forum which sees associations of people with autism, parents, teachers, institutions and academia as protagonists.
In the development of policies at a national and international level, there is constant reference to the needs of raising awareness and protecting diversity. The decisive role that the University and the entire universe of education can play in drawing attention to the issue emerges with noble arrogance. This is to promote ever greater awareness and improve people's training, in the name of recognizing the value of diversity."

Of a more technical nature is the intervention of the neuropsychiatrist and teacher Alessandro Frolli, who underlines, after a diagnostic and therapeutic analysis of autism, how "it is necessary that the operators who work in the sector are adequately trained. To acquire the correct intervention strategies, university and not just post-university education is necessary. These strategies, in any case, can be said to be effective if implemented within the network, therefore in coordination with associations and families".

The event concluded with a round table aimed at defining the functions, objectives and operating methods of the National Autism Forum. The session, moderated by Simona Rotondi, deputy coordinator of tenders and initiatives of the social enterprise "Con i Bambini", was characterized by the active participation of national associations, including ANGSA Nazionale, ANFAS, Il Mio Mondo Exist, ASA onlus and Asperger Lazio Group.
